Amnesia by Kelly Elliott (ePUB)

amnesia, kelly elliott

Amnesia by Ellie Grace, Kelly Elliott – Free eBooks Download


I’m scared.
When will this nightmare end?
Darkness and cold has tortured me.
I can’t remember anything.
He’s coming.
His footsteps echo like a wrecking ball in my head.
He’s getting closer.
He’s almost here.
I must escape.
He’s here.
Breath tickles my face.
With what little strength I have, I find my way to the sunlight.
Tortured moans become more distant.
Run faster.
I drop with exhaustion.
Did I make it far enough?
I’m being lifted.
Warmth engulfs me.
Please let this be my savior and not my captor.

File Details:

  • Amnesia – Ellie Grace, Kelly Elliott ePUB



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