Axle by Noelle Smith (ePUB, PDF, Downloads)

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Axle (Sons of Destruction #1) by Noelle Smith – Free eBooks Download


Can two different men from different backgrounds…

The Sons of Destruction is a motorcycle club that has a secret. The club is more than seventy years years old, but their ancestors are over two-hundred. Blessed by a Magic Man in Europe, the group of six shifted from man to wolf. In exchange for the gifts of long life and a true mate, they had to promise to not be a burden and help those in need. Moving from Europe to America to start a new life, the men had families to carry on the secret. Axle Davis is one of those men. He almost has it all. He’s the president of the Crystal Cave, Georgia chapter and the alpha. All he’s missing is his true mate. Starting the Helpline for anyone who needs a guiding hand is a way to fulfill the promise of charity. With the help from the members of the SOD, the men of the club help any LGBTQ+ who wish for a safer life.

…find love?

Harley King can’t believe the terrible mess he’s in. He’s hunting for the “rescue group” that will help him, but finding the right place is proving difficult. That the first thing I’m going to tell them they need to change. If I can actually find them. He’s had a terrible life. Mom died, dad had a drug habit and forced Harley to scam people for a living. At the age of fifteen, his dad traded Harley to a drug lord for his dad’s small drug debt. All his life, he’s lived with the curse of an exceptional memory and knack for quick learning. Always proving to be invaluable to others, until he’s not needed anymore. He knows all the secrets and can control who finds out what they are.

And stop the bad guy while following the path…

Finding the Helpline and getting the help he needs, Harley starts to feel safe for the first time in his life. In particular, a tall and gorgeous brown headed man with two different colored eyes. Harley also finds out the world he thought he lived in doesn’t exist. It’s better! Axle and his pack take Harley in and make him one of their own. He has a family that he never knew he could ever have but always hoped for. In the course of stopping the bad guy, Axle and Harley find each other. Their missing half.

…That was set into motion years ago?

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  • Axle – Noelle Smith ePUB



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