Everlasting Love by Debra St James (ePUB)

everlasting love, debra st james

Everlasting Love (Everlasting #1) by Debra St James – Free eBooks Download


The army took more from me than I’d like to admit—even to myself.
I’m still trying to navigate my new normal while taking care of the people I feel indebted to …
Because while I came home, one of my best friends didn’t.
And I can’t help but feel responsible.
My life has been passing me by in still frames and black and white …
Until the moment I see her.
I’m captivated.
I don’t deserve her when all I do is fail the people around me.
But life keeps throwing me in her path …
That has to mean something, right?

My life isn’t going the way I planned.
I thought I was getting my happily ever after but the man I thought was my forever turned out to be nothing more than a waste of my time.
The only silver lining in that mistake?
I got my sweet daughter, my world, out of it.
When I meet Shane, I’m not looking for anything …
But the way he makes me feel with just one glance—it’s impossible to ignore.
The cherry on top?
He and my daughter have an instant connection that makes me believe better things are on the horizon.
Everlasting love is hard to come by …
Especially when we both have demons in our pasts that threaten to ruin our future.

File Details:

  • Everlasting Love – Debra St James ePUB



One Response

  1. Michael January 8, 2024 Reply

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