Fate’s Ambition by Elsie Kay (ePUB)

fate's ambition, elsie kay

Fate’s Ambition (The Price of Love #1) by Elsie Kay – Free eBooks Download


All it took was an intervention from fate—fierce ambition colliding with flirtatious charm—to send Callie’s carefully constructed 10-year plan off course and have Emmett taking a risk that could have him repeating history
Callie Winters knew from a young age that she wanted to be nothing like her mother—a trophy wife content to live in her husband’s shadow. She’s determined to make her mark on the world, refusing to settle for the cookie-cutter life her parents have mapped out for her.
When she starts a prestigious internship to round out her business degree, she finds herself struggling between her career aspirations and love with the last person she expected to fall for: her boss. But Emmett Price, charming and flirtatious son of the company’s CEO, makes it hard when he is the opposite of the elitist snob she chalked him up to be years ago.
Emmett Price has all but given up on the hope of finding something more than a superficial relationship built on his wealth and status. So instead, he’s thrown himself into building a legacy at Price Industries that he can be proud of. Nursing a betrayal from his last relationship, Emmett is shocked to finally put a name to the face he stumbled upon nearly six years ago when his new intern begins. Captivated by Callie’s brilliance, beauty, and drive, Emmett walks a fine line between the professionalism expected of him and the magnetism pulling them together.

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  • Fate’s Ambition – Elsie Kay ePUB



One Response

  1. Michael June 27, 2024 Reply

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